Pan Africa Christian University Admission Letter 2024/2025

Do you want to download Pan Africa Christian University Admission Letter 2024/2025? Follow the instruction given belown to get started in few simple steps;

Pan Africa Christian University Admission Letter 2024/2025

The following steps describes on how to access your admission letter and joining instructions for 2024/2025 academic year at Pan Africa Christian University;

Physical reporting to the University / Faculties for all Module 1 First Years will commence soon this year;

Please the instructions as indicated below to access your admission letter and joining instructions:

  1. Go to Pan Africa Christian University website (see the link for admission letter below)
  2. Locate Pan Africa Christian University online application link
  3. Enter username and password as received during online application
  4. Download Pan Africa Christian University Admission Letter 2024/2025

Download admission Letter here

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